I know about the three types of unemployment taught in college economics: Natural, cyclical and seasonal unemployment. Now, ostensibly, we have another type of unemployment to consider in the 21st century. Invisible unemployment is the group of people who are not unemployed, yet desire more hours or work in industries with stagnant wage growth.
The Atlantic.com points to Cleveland Fed data on Real Annual Wage Growth , by Industry pre-recession and post-recession. From this data we see that the only two industries that have had post-recession wage growth have been for manufacturing and goods-producing industries. Lavughn M. Henry, vice president of the Cincinnati branch is quoted the Atlantic: “We’re adding few jobs in goods-producing industries like manufacturing, which have the highest overall post-recession wage growth, and lots of jobs in service-producing industries which have the lowest real wage growth.”
The Bureau of Labor Statistics can buoy our thoughts on low national unemployment numbers, like the October 2014 unemployment rate of 5.8% , when in reality “the official unemployment rate is getting worse and worse at describing the real conditions facing American workers.” In my own situation, I can afford to work a part-time job and live a fulfilling life. However, I am a single male with no children and no mortgage, I am a bachelor. Unfortunately, families are struggling on a part-time salary all around the country leading to a deterioration of home life for millions of children.
Leading economics analysts often use the stock market as a bellwether for the general well-being of the nation. The common response to stagnant wages would be to note the rise in the value of the DOW Jones Industrial Average or the price of NASDAQ as indication the nation is doing well, recovering sufficiently. Equity-traded firms are tossing the public a red-herring to distract from the reality of their corporate governance. “Corporations have used the recession and the recovery to increase profits by expanding abroad, hiring abroad, and controlling labor costs at home.” These actions cause the stock market to react positively in share price, yet it completely misleads the public on the general malaise the labor force is experiencing six years after the recession.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
One-Party Washington Rush
One-Party Washington Rush
Republicans now have a large majority in both houses of Congress, swept in with the midterm elections on a general belief President Obama is to blame for all the woes of America. The Economist says the people who voted for this Congress do not want to see Washington "pursue a wishlist of conservative policies."
I don't want to move into a opinion about politics on this blog. I thought the election results were important to note, however. Also interesting to report is the example made of California, and the attempt to make it's Congress more representational by curbing gerrymandering and holding open primaries. These two steps have redirected the current political climate of parties and candidates appealing to small enclaves of extremists for public policy.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Diamonds are Forever 007
Just read about the diamond marketing campaign by De Beers
in the 1880-1940 and now. Cool, right. I begin to see a bigger picture come
into view. Well it made me think about AU in regards to national mining
priorities. I have been following an Economist story that chronologs the
political discourse all the way up to the prime minster seat about mining
regulations. Austrailia is flooding the market with diamonds to
normalize the price of the stone where previously the De Beers cartel inflated
the value of a semi-precious stone and controlled the supply as well as demand
for the commodity. A calculated move by Austrailia to end the diamond cartel
and ask people to put that money to different uses. Diamonds are a perfect
example of Veblen’s conspicous consumption argument. Example: De Beers used
$400,000 for television advertisements during the British royal wedding in
July. (Source (http://efficientminds.wordpress.com/2014/10/21/have-you-ever-tried-to-sell-a-diamond-edward-jay-epstein-the-atlantic/) Australia wants to fight this
oppulance and the invideious comparison it facilitates after the leaders of nearly
every country voted unanimously for austarity in the wake of the American
financial crisis of 2008, yet will do largely nothing to protect the people
from this sophisticated snake oil demonstration.
Bob Dylan said it best in “Rolling Stone” when he said that “you
better take that diamond ring, you better pawn it, Babe.” If you are strapped
for cash in this economy, like so many can be at a moment’s notice, sell high
on diamonds. America, in all her majesty, is sitting on reserves people don’t
even think about because we are caught up in the short-term planning horizon
and experience asymetrical information sharing with the government leaders of
the world.
Also, Colorado is high on tax revenue this year…
Also, Colorado is high on tax revenue this year…
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Music Perspective
I found a great posting on a popular website where a number of bluegrass fans posted their favorite, sad bluegrass songs. Find them here. I have been performing some bluegrass on the mandolin at local open mics this year and some of the feedback was pretty much summed up in the description of this thread: "Bluegrass can be both the happiest and saddest genre." Only, I found most of my songs were of the happy variety even though I am not necessarily happy all the time. Being positive is great, and happy is a positive emotion. Life is not always happy, however, and being able to express myself through music is very important. I began to work in an old bluegrass book I had, finding a song called "Billy in the Low Ground." The song is an allusion to being dead and buried.
Death, equally fascinating as Life. I am glad this post in /r/bluegrass presented itself when it did because I was looking for just such a collection of songs. The problem can be an overwhelming number of songs, and not enough time to filter them all to get to some good ones, or some songs that really speak to you. This list has narrowed the search for me and now I can do some listening and find ones I like and get to learning them as soon as humanly possible. I seem to have a problem with my attention and that's why I say "as soon as humanly possible." I have a vision about my music and I have not been writing this vision down, or anything down, for that matter. I hope I can get back into the groove of shipping new ideas.
This blog initially was started to ship new ideas, new ideas in business or economics. Since its creation in 2010 I have been negligent and I also see other areas in my life where my diligence has been lacking. I will be making changes in that area. The changes were borne of my dissatisfaction in my music. Like most everything in my life, I put it aside and was distracted, leaving me further and further behind each day I did not continue yesterday's progress. This lack of continuation is depressing me because I cannot get my thoughts out of the past and become anxious due to the idea of having to catch up from so far behind. Each new journey begins with a single step.
My first step was to create a list of the areas I would like to accomplish objectives. Each area has a few subtopics to work on. I began with my blog from the roll of the dice. I have told myself to work for an hour on each objective and that should keep me busy, productive, and my mind off of my past and my head out of the uncertainties of the future. Lately, I have been frustrated with my life due to the lack of consistency and when I would pick up my mandolin to play, and only "happy" songs would emerge, even though I wanted to express my discomfort, I would quit playing, perpetuating the cycle of negligence. So, in my attempt to search for "sad" songs, I have rediscovered my blog and hope to keep all my objectives in the rotation.
I believe the first new song of the sad variety will be "Wayfaring Stranger." Another objective is to create some instructional videos of playing mandolin for YouTube. Look for this song in the future, eventually!
Death, equally fascinating as Life. I am glad this post in /r/bluegrass presented itself when it did because I was looking for just such a collection of songs. The problem can be an overwhelming number of songs, and not enough time to filter them all to get to some good ones, or some songs that really speak to you. This list has narrowed the search for me and now I can do some listening and find ones I like and get to learning them as soon as humanly possible. I seem to have a problem with my attention and that's why I say "as soon as humanly possible." I have a vision about my music and I have not been writing this vision down, or anything down, for that matter. I hope I can get back into the groove of shipping new ideas.
This blog initially was started to ship new ideas, new ideas in business or economics. Since its creation in 2010 I have been negligent and I also see other areas in my life where my diligence has been lacking. I will be making changes in that area. The changes were borne of my dissatisfaction in my music. Like most everything in my life, I put it aside and was distracted, leaving me further and further behind each day I did not continue yesterday's progress. This lack of continuation is depressing me because I cannot get my thoughts out of the past and become anxious due to the idea of having to catch up from so far behind. Each new journey begins with a single step.
My first step was to create a list of the areas I would like to accomplish objectives. Each area has a few subtopics to work on. I began with my blog from the roll of the dice. I have told myself to work for an hour on each objective and that should keep me busy, productive, and my mind off of my past and my head out of the uncertainties of the future. Lately, I have been frustrated with my life due to the lack of consistency and when I would pick up my mandolin to play, and only "happy" songs would emerge, even though I wanted to express my discomfort, I would quit playing, perpetuating the cycle of negligence. So, in my attempt to search for "sad" songs, I have rediscovered my blog and hope to keep all my objectives in the rotation.
I believe the first new song of the sad variety will be "Wayfaring Stranger." Another objective is to create some instructional videos of playing mandolin for YouTube. Look for this song in the future, eventually!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
A Girl In College
I dated a girl in college who as a child was witness to her father physically abusing her mother. She then fell into a physically abusive relationship with her first boyfriend, Ryan. This relationship went on while she was 17-20. She got out only because of a restraining order against him. Her next relationship was with a mentally abusive guy, Kurt. Kurt is a guy’s guy. He has privilege, power, and he quickly figured out how to maintain control over the emotions of this girl to keep her around and submissive. I knew her during this period, ages 21-23. We were close friends until recently.
I was quick to assert Ryan had no right whatsoever to physically abuse her, for any reason, EVER. “That behavior is not okay,” I told her on more than one occasion. Once, in class I intercepted a couple of male students’ text message that made a derogatory comment about her and a large, phallic device, and I stood up in lecture and brought it to the attention of the rest of the class. I believe in the power to change the negative, male behavior in a continuum of a peer culture climate where the behavior is perceived as wrong and inaccessible in those peer cultures. A poor leader allows that behavior to be laughed at, brushed aside as a “stupid remark,” or ignored completely, making those outside the immediate situation of abuse complicit in the negative behavior. The issue of mental and physical abuse is an issue of leadership, not necessarily gender equality or women’s issues.
Ultimately, I sacrificed my feelings for her to give her balance. Not short-term, but long-term. All my family and friends were wary of her, they could sense the patterns of abuse. I was as opposite as I could muster from the other men in her past. This was attractive to her, it was weird. I knew that being nice, yet still a strong man, to her and not playing the “dating game” would mean an inevitable end to our relationship. I helped build confidence she would later use against me. I love that girl and she let me fall in the trap she had fallen into with her previous relationships. She took on their role and mentally abused me and cut down my self-esteem and self-worth. She planted doubt and insecurities in my mind. She played with my emotions and got me to give disproportionally to what she would take. I allowed it all to happen.
It was the right thing to do, but it meant that I would not get to be with her. I wasn’t going to “save her.” Kurt would promise to “solve her problems,” that’s not what she needs. She needs to learn how to trust men. She needs to be trusted by men. I did the best I could, however, I could not contend with the negativity. I was not ready for everything that she would unleash on me. She broke me down, I lost my composure and she left me, for good. In that experience, I began to understand what had been done to her, why she felt the way she did about the world. She broke my heart. No doubt there is another way to do what I was trying to do, I did the best I could and refuse to give up. A man is just a man, I had to forgive myself and move on.
Check out this TEDX from November 2012. It was posted May 2013 to their website. In it, Dr. Jackson Katz explains societal discourse is from the perspective of the male, the male is the dominate group in our society.
“This is one of the ways dominate systems maintain and reproduce themselves. That is to say the dominate group is rarely challenged to think about its dominance; because, that’s one of the key characteristics of power and privilege. The ability to go unexamined, lacking introspection; in fact, being rendered invisible in large measure in the discourse about issues that are primarily about us.”
Dr. Katz went on to explain our whole cognitive structure is built to blame the victim. He uses the English language to show how “John beat Mary” becomes “Mary is a battered woman” and John is no longer in the conversation, and Mary’s problem becomes a woman’s issue. Men tend to tune out “women’s issues” because they are men, the dominate gender, and simply lose interest. It happened to me in college: “Oh, Women’s Studies…where am I studying today?” My friend admitted that she played a part in the abuse, provoking it at times out of Ryan. Further, nothing was stopping her from removing herself from Kurt’s living situation. Yet, even though there is another side to the story, in those situations, as well as our relationship, this pattern of abuse began in her home as a child. Everything after that was blaming her for being emotionally unstable, or chastisement from her family for being sad over break-ups. “Ryan didn’t abuse my friend, my friend caused Ryan to abuse her.” Or, “Kurt didn’t manipulate her, she let him.”
In my experience with her, my wary family and friends were quick to point out how poorly she was treating me. They pointed out that she did not respect me and that she was manipulating me to get what she could from me. They just wanted to protect me from this “poison” when they saw how much I was torn up over her. No one helped me cope with the negativity I was enduring so I could prolong our dance. I was told to remove myself from the situation. Nope, I was not going to leave her alone, just like every other man she has given her love to in life. She had plenty of friends when I last talked to her, and she left me. I didn’t abuse her and she knows that she can trust me, still. I was sad, of course, though I stand by my actions and see the Positive. You are reading it right now.
I was quick to assert Ryan had no right whatsoever to physically abuse her, for any reason, EVER. “That behavior is not okay,” I told her on more than one occasion. Once, in class I intercepted a couple of male students’ text message that made a derogatory comment about her and a large, phallic device, and I stood up in lecture and brought it to the attention of the rest of the class. I believe in the power to change the negative, male behavior in a continuum of a peer culture climate where the behavior is perceived as wrong and inaccessible in those peer cultures. A poor leader allows that behavior to be laughed at, brushed aside as a “stupid remark,” or ignored completely, making those outside the immediate situation of abuse complicit in the negative behavior. The issue of mental and physical abuse is an issue of leadership, not necessarily gender equality or women’s issues.
Ultimately, I sacrificed my feelings for her to give her balance. Not short-term, but long-term. All my family and friends were wary of her, they could sense the patterns of abuse. I was as opposite as I could muster from the other men in her past. This was attractive to her, it was weird. I knew that being nice, yet still a strong man, to her and not playing the “dating game” would mean an inevitable end to our relationship. I helped build confidence she would later use against me. I love that girl and she let me fall in the trap she had fallen into with her previous relationships. She took on their role and mentally abused me and cut down my self-esteem and self-worth. She planted doubt and insecurities in my mind. She played with my emotions and got me to give disproportionally to what she would take. I allowed it all to happen.
It was the right thing to do, but it meant that I would not get to be with her. I wasn’t going to “save her.” Kurt would promise to “solve her problems,” that’s not what she needs. She needs to learn how to trust men. She needs to be trusted by men. I did the best I could, however, I could not contend with the negativity. I was not ready for everything that she would unleash on me. She broke me down, I lost my composure and she left me, for good. In that experience, I began to understand what had been done to her, why she felt the way she did about the world. She broke my heart. No doubt there is another way to do what I was trying to do, I did the best I could and refuse to give up. A man is just a man, I had to forgive myself and move on.
Check out this TEDX from November 2012. It was posted May 2013 to their website. In it, Dr. Jackson Katz explains societal discourse is from the perspective of the male, the male is the dominate group in our society.
“This is one of the ways dominate systems maintain and reproduce themselves. That is to say the dominate group is rarely challenged to think about its dominance; because, that’s one of the key characteristics of power and privilege. The ability to go unexamined, lacking introspection; in fact, being rendered invisible in large measure in the discourse about issues that are primarily about us.”
Dr. Katz went on to explain our whole cognitive structure is built to blame the victim. He uses the English language to show how “John beat Mary” becomes “Mary is a battered woman” and John is no longer in the conversation, and Mary’s problem becomes a woman’s issue. Men tend to tune out “women’s issues” because they are men, the dominate gender, and simply lose interest. It happened to me in college: “Oh, Women’s Studies…where am I studying today?” My friend admitted that she played a part in the abuse, provoking it at times out of Ryan. Further, nothing was stopping her from removing herself from Kurt’s living situation. Yet, even though there is another side to the story, in those situations, as well as our relationship, this pattern of abuse began in her home as a child. Everything after that was blaming her for being emotionally unstable, or chastisement from her family for being sad over break-ups. “Ryan didn’t abuse my friend, my friend caused Ryan to abuse her.” Or, “Kurt didn’t manipulate her, she let him.”
In my experience with her, my wary family and friends were quick to point out how poorly she was treating me. They pointed out that she did not respect me and that she was manipulating me to get what she could from me. They just wanted to protect me from this “poison” when they saw how much I was torn up over her. No one helped me cope with the negativity I was enduring so I could prolong our dance. I was told to remove myself from the situation. Nope, I was not going to leave her alone, just like every other man she has given her love to in life. She had plenty of friends when I last talked to her, and she left me. I didn’t abuse her and she knows that she can trust me, still. I was sad, of course, though I stand by my actions and see the Positive. You are reading it right now.
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